
Opinion: Why Kash Patel’s FBI nomination is a threat to Alaska’s future

As Alaskans, we’re used to navigating challenges, from harsh winters to complex federal policies. But some threats are harder to prepare for. The nomination of Kash Patel as FBI director is one such danger.

This isn’t just about an unqualified individual being placed in a critical position. It’s about protecting Alaska’s unique communities, industries and values from someone who could weaponize one of the country’s most powerful agencies to serve Donald Trump’s personal vendettas. U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski must act now to reject Patel’s nomination and prioritize Alaskans’ safety over Trump’s political games.

Patel’s resume reads like a manual for dysfunction. He has no experience in law enforcement or leadership that qualifies him to oversee an agency as vast and vital as the FBI. What he does have is a history of putting blind loyalty to Trump above all else. Patel has authored lists of so-called “enemies” and openly threatened to target political opponents and journalists. For Alaskans, this isn’t some distant Washington drama — it could have real, harmful impacts here at home, starting with the targeting of one of our senators.

The FBI plays a critical role in Alaska, from tackling human trafficking that disproportionately affects Indigenous communities to monitoring illegal activities like unauthorized resource extraction in sensitive areas. With someone like Patel in charge, the agency’s focus could shift away from protecting our people and environment to serving Trump’s political agenda. As someone who works every day to educate the Alaska populace on their rights, I’m alarmed by the thought of a politicized FBI ignoring these urgent local issues.

Patel’s loyalty to Trump and his billionaire allies suggests he could use his position to shield them rather than serve everyday Americans. Imagine critical resources being diverted from Alaska’s cybersecurity needs — like protecting energy infrastructure or fisheries — to investigate Trump’s perceived enemies instead. As someone who fears for Alaska’s future, I can’t sit silently while this dangerous nomination moves forward.

Sen. Murkowski has long spoken about the importance of responsible governance and the rule of law. She’s also shown a willingness to stand up to Trump when it matters most. Now is the time to draw that line again. A vote for Patel isn’t just a vote for an unqualified nominee — it’s a vote to compromise Alaska’s safety and future.

Alaskans need an FBI director who will focus on our communities, not Trump’s political feuds. Sen. Murkowski, we’re counting on you to say no to Kash Patel and yes to protecting the integrity of one of America’s most critical institutions.


Erin Jackson-Hill is the executive director of Stand Up Alaska, an Anchorage-based nonprofit dedicated to inclusivity, community and sustainability.

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