
Opinion: It’s time for action — Alaska’s congressional delegation must protect federal workers and critical funding

Recent executive actions affecting the federal workforce are disrupting Alaska jobs and funding. Alaska federal workers and contractors, along with essential funding, are currently facing a barrage of growing challenges that threaten the strength and stability of our state. Our family, friends and neighbors who have dedicated their careers to serving our country, working on contracts to support our nation’s priorities or benefiting from federally funded programs to improve their lives are scared and confused.

It’s unclear if and which critical federal dollars have been frozen, bringing community-driven projects and efforts to a standstill, while thousands of Alaska-based federal contractors are questioning whether they will be paid. Alaska federal employees are being pressured to spy and report on their colleagues, relocate their families and leave their jobs under the guise of a “buyout.” Regardless of how they might feel about the federal government or which political party is in power, I’m hopeful that Sen. Sullivan, Sen. Murkowski, and Rep. Begich understand that a functioning federal government is essential for a functioning Alaska. The Alaska delegation must respond to these disruptions by urging President Trump to uphold existing laws, ensure clear communication and protect Alaska’s economic stability.

The Alaska delegation can’t delay. Federal employees, contractors, and dollars are vital to a thriving Alaska. According to the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, The federal government employs over 15,000 Alaskans and, in 2023 (according to data from SAM.gov), spent more than $3.8 billion on contracts across the state. Additionally, billions of federal dollars that fund locally led initiatives related to healthcare, education, energy, law enforcement, transportation, recreation, housing, habitat restoration, disaster relief, etc., have been potentially frozen.

Alaskans understand that federal employees, contractors and dollars play a critical role in our communities. We see the on-the-ground results of these projects and share meals with these folks. Together, as Alaskans, I’m asking you to stand up for our federal workers and dollars. Join me in calling the offices of Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan and Rep. Begich.

When I called the Alaska delegation, I asked that they protect Alaskan jobs and critical federal dollars by demanding President Trump treat federal workers and dollars with the dignity and respect they deserve. The delegation can take action. They must rein in executive overreach by:

• Ensuring Alaska families don’t need to relocate by upholding the congressionally passed Telework Enhancement Act of 2010.

• Uphold the Impoundment Control Act and use congressional authority to immediately lift all freezes on federal grants and loans to prevent unnecessary funding delays, job losses, and legal challenges.


• Meet with Office of Personnel Management leadership and request an end to vague, government-wide email memorandums. Instead, encourage OPM to engage with career civil servants in crafting realistic reform procedures based on practical timelines, union contracts and established law.

By the end of the week, I hope the Alaska delegation will write and publicly publish a joint letter to President Trump addressing these issues and outlining the steps they are taking. Ideally, those steps include holding community town hall meetings to hear from impacted Alaskans and congressional hearings on President Trump’s executive overreach.

Dan Cannon happily followed his wife to Alaska in 2018 when she accepted a job as a federal employee. They currently live in Juneau.

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