Letters to the Editor

Letter: City government isn’t all bad

Much has been written about the problems in Mayor Dave Bronson’s administration. I agree that it’s not good.

But let us not forget that there are many hard-working, knowledgeable, dedicated employees working for our city government. I am writing to report an example. I recently took in two stray cats. Both needed medical attention; one was pregnant. But because I do not own an automobile, it was very difficult to arrange veterinary care. The situation was stressful for me.

Someone suggested that I contact Animal Care and Control. I called and didn’t have to wait long to speak to someone. I explained my situation. The staff person told me that Animal Control would coordinate with a veterinarian I had consulted and would care for the pregnant cat through the birth process. She informed me that most cats there at the shelter are adopted; few are euthanized. Icing on the cake: Expecting a “no,” I nonetheless asked, “Is there any way you could pick up these cats at my home, and transport them to the shelter?” To my surprise and relief, the answer was “Yes.” Within two hours, two Animal Control officers did just that.

The staff at Animal Care and Control are technically employed by a contractor. Nonetheless, the services they provide are through the auspices of the Municipality. Despite many problems at the top levels, our city government continues to serve the residents of Anchorage in many ways.

— George Nagel


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