Letters to the Editor

Letter: A failed bond measure turned into an opportunity

We continue to hear from community members who want better amenities like public restrooms. And while we were disappointed that Proposition 8, the “Anchorage Goes” proposal for areawide public restrooms, didn’t pass this April, we still believe there is a need for clean, safe and accessible public restrooms in Anchorage.

To get a better idea of what our community wants, we want to learn more about why the bond did not pass. Did the bond ask for too much money, did it not provide enough information, or were public restrooms simply not a desired amenity in public spaces? You might have other reasons why you did or did not support the bond and we want to hear from you.

We are currently conducting a survey to hear your thoughts and ideas for public restrooms, where you think they should be located, and how much you think Anchorage should pay for the service.

The survey, interactive web map, and other information about the project can be found at https://mailchi.mp/huddleak/moapublicrestrooms. The survey closes July 12, so please get your input in by then. We look forward to hearing from you!

— Assemblymembers Meg Zaletel and Anna Brawley


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