Letters to the Editor

Letter: Blessed be the kind

I would like to assure recent letter writers who have reported negativity toward their displays of support for the LGBTQ community: You have many supporters out here. We are not of the mind to deface church property and strangers’ cars in order to make our social and political points. We encourage inclusivity and love for our neighbors in every way in our daily lives.

At my age, I feel that the best thing I can do to support my beliefs in protecting a whole community is to donate money to campaigns for candidates who I believe will not be eager to pass legislation that hatefully impacts the lives of some Alaskans. If I am not familiar with a candidate, I call them and ask them, point blank, what their stand is on LGBTQ rights, in all aspects of community life.

As a result of my “research,” I will be voting to retain Matt Claman as my state senator representing West Anchorage. I feel that Sen. Claman is one of the clearest heads in the Legislature — and for all of you serving out there, Sen. Claman has a newsletter and methods of keeping in touch that you should all strive to emulate! I will vote for Denny Wells for my state representative so I can truly feel represented this time. Mr. Wells lost the last election by only seven votes — his new, last-minute opponent lost her last election by far more votes than that — so I have hope.

I believe that the elephant in the room in many of the discussions and actions regarding banning kids from bathrooms and sports teams, and banning books that tell real life like it is, is a form of religion that has gone off the rails. As I said to my former state senator, who did not share my opinions, the religion that a person may practice is the choice here, not being gay, being bisexual or being transgender. Sexual preference and gender identity are the realities, and have been through the ages, and always will be. They cannot be legislated away, trained away or hated away.

Blessings to the children of the letter writers, and to the church members who are choosing to show love to their neighbors.

— Jeanne Ashcraft


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