Anchorage lost a good friend recently. Andy Kriner died unexpectedly of a heart attack. It reminds us of how fragile life is and how we must value each and every day. Each day is a blessing from God.
Andy not only served up a really good meal at his Kriner’s Diner, but, also served as a really good example of what a meaningful citizen should act like. Whether in his business or private life, he stood up for what was right. He was not intimidated by what everyone knew was foolish ordinances during COVID while at the same time handing out rolls of toilet paper with each food order during a supposed shortage. Andy, among many other attributes, had a good sense of humor while at the same time making a valuable point. Let’s all try to remember what Andy stood for while it is so important to make Anchorage a great place to live again.
Plain and simple, Andy Kriner was a good man.
— Frank Dahl, Anchorage
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