Anne Brooks’ opinion piece, “What’s Alaska getting and giving up with mining?” highlights environmental concerns, but it overlooks the substantial benefits mining brings to the state — benefits Alaskans can’t afford to lose. Mining provides critical tax revenue that funds public services, schools and infrastructure. For example, in 2022 alone, the mining industry contributed over $148 million in state and local revenue, significantly supporting Alaska’s economy.
Yes, there are environmental risks, but these are mitigated by Alaska’s strict permitting process and modern technologies that minimize impacts. Companies operating here must adhere to robust environmental standards, ensuring sustainable practices. Moreover, remediation requirements guarantee that mining companies address any contamination issues before closing operations.
The alternatives to mining — either reducing services or increasing taxes on residents — are far worse. Without investments from resource industries, Alaska’s Permanent Fund dividend, a key benefit for all residents, would also suffer.
Alaskans must balance conservation with economic necessity. Mining ensures jobs, revenue and a stable future, while environmental safeguards reduce risks. We cannot afford to dismiss these investments out of fear when the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Economic prosperity and environmental stewardship can and do coexist in Alaska.
— Cody Haxby, Anchorage
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