Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump is a con man

Trump’s blaming DEI for the recent air disaster and every other problem is both stupid and comically ironic. He claims to want a merit-based society yet doesn’t seem to realize that he is the ultimate recipient of unearned advantage and favor. Where would he be without his inherited wealth? No merit there, just genetic roulette. Acceptance to college? Certainly not a merit admission. How about being able to dodge the draft? Was that on merit or simply a perk of his economic class? Trump’s only inherent merit seems to be the ability to tap into people’s feelings that they are not being given a fair chance while simultaneously working to economically disadvantage them. Concentrating wealth in a few means everyone else has less to spend. Trump’s economic policies and billionaire bros will maintain the Republican pattern of increasing the wealth of the mega rich while everyone else is distracted by immigrants, DEI, transgender, and every other non-issue Trump puts out there. The man is a con.

— Mark Wolbers, Anchorage

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