
Opinion: South Anchorage families, your schools need you now

Rep. Julie Coulombe, R-Anchorage, talks with colleagues in the House on January 24, 2025. (Marc Lester / ADN)

Once again, Gov. Dunleavy has failed to prioritize education funding, and if the Alaska Legislature does not act, drastic cuts are coming. If you haven’t spoken up yet, now is the time.

The Anchorage School District’s latest budget projections paint a grim picture. If the state does not increase the Base Student Allocation (BSA), which has remained stagnant for far too long, we will see drastic cuts to our classrooms. Here’s just a bit of what’s at stake:

• ALL middle school sports and activities will be cut.

• High school hockey, swim/dive and gymnastics will be eliminated.

• Librarians and nurses will be reduced to half-time, limiting access and putting additional duties onto other staff members.

• Elementary classes will swell to 28–35 students.

• Computer-based instruction will increase due to combination classes and staff loss.


• The IGNITE gifted program will be eliminated.

• Additional staff cuts will be made at all levels.

• Increased staff cuts may lead to the elimination of immersion program teachers, risking the program’s future.

These are not just numbers, they are real consequences for students, teachers and families. Many of us have felt frustrated by repeated funding failures. But frustration alone won’t protect our kids. We need action.

We have a specific call-out for households with students at Huffman/Spring Hill/O’Malley Elementary, Goldenview/Hanshew Middle, or South/Service High School: Rep. Julie Coulombe needs to hear from you. She was a deciding vote last session and could be again.

Last session, Rep. Coulombe voted against a BSA increase in the final funding decision, resulting in the budget cut list you see above. Even if you voted for Gov. Dunleavy or Rep. Coulombe, you may not support seeing your child without sports, a librarian or a school nurse. Now is the time to let her know we want a change. It’s time to stand together and demand full funding for our schools.

Call or email your representatives today and tell them that Alaska’s children and teachers deserve better. Ask them to support “stable, multi-year funding!” No matter where you stand politically, one thing is clear: strong schools make a stronger Alaska. Act now. Thank you.

Holly Brooks, Amanda Dale, Michael Fullom, Asia Harmeling, Kellen Lake, Sarah McWilliams, Shaina Seidner and Vanessa Vetsch are Rep Coulombe constituents and parents who support fully funding our schools.

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