Letters to the Editor

Letter: Not a bad Saturday afternoon

Last Saturday, on a cold and windy afternoon, several hundred people stood in Town Square, listening to a series of earnest speakers — some grave, some funny — along with choral music and calls to action. Members of the clergy were there, as were representatives from many of the organizations in this town that — on a shoestring — use their time and effort to help out people who need help … because, as of this week’s inauguration, vulnerable people have become a whole lot more vulnerable.

Nobody waved around guns or invective or name-calling. Voices were modulated, mostly. Streets were not blocked. No one was injured. Maybe that’s why this rally didn’t get much coverage in the press. But here’s the thing: Most of that crowd crossed the street to Williwaw and spent the next three hours trading ideas about how to continue helping people who need help, creating ongoing groups to support each other, and committing their talents to protect and defend our rights and our country. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon.

— Cristy Willer, Anchorage

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