Letters to the Editor

Letter: Same old playbook on Alaska education

Gov. Dunleavy, commented on the state of Alaska student test scores recently, saying, “If these scores don’t motivate the discussion about policy, I don’t know what will, to be honest with you.”

This is what happens when you have a governor who talks about having a discussion, then hides from his constituents — the citizens of this state. There have been literally hundreds of hours of discussion, debate, testimony and at last a bill to finally increase education funding, which the governor vetoed. At this point, he has shown himself to live in some alternate reality. He always talks about accountability when it comes to education funding. That’s code for increasing teacher pay, but he is the governor. All this is on his watch. Thus he is ultimately responsible. In other words, if this state is failing, it’s his failure.

Let’s be frank — he is employing the same old tired Republican playbook: Cut government until it can no longer function and then say, “See, government doesn’t work.” In what other facet of life do we spend less and expect more? The Defense Department? Sports? It’s only in our schools do we say, “Do more with less.” Wake up, Alaskans.

— Shawn O’Donnell


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