ADN Politics podcast: Anchorage streets have been a snowy mess. Does it have to be like this?

In this episode: Yes, it’s Alaska, and yes, it’s December. But clearing Anchorage streets after back-to-back-to-back snowstorms has been a challenge. And residents have been asking: Does it have to be this bad? ADN’s Elizabeth Harball and Zachariah Hughes discuss.

Each week, host Elizabeth Harball talks with ADN journalists and others about some of Alaska’s biggest news stories. Subscribe here or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Snow is plowed in the Sullivan Arena Parking lot around one vehicle which remained buried on December 16, 2022. (Marc Lester / ADN)

To state the obvious, it snowed a lot over the past week or so in Anchorage. Yes, it’s Alaska, and yes, it’s December. But many of the city’s roads have been a mess, and Anchorage residents have been asking: Does it have to be this bad?

Host Elizabeth Harball talks to ADN reporter Zachariah Hughes about how snow plowing gets done in Anchorage, how city leaders are handling the latest series of storms and why snow plowing is a politics story.

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Host: Elizabeth Harball. Guest: Zachariah Hughes. Produced by Elizabeth Harball, Zachariah Hughes and Evan Phillips. Editor: David Hulen.


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Previous episodes:

Dec. 9

Nov. 18

Nov. 10

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Nov. 4

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Oct. 28

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Oct. 21

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Oct. 14

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Oct. 7

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Sept. 30

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Sept. 23

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Sept. 9

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Sept. 2

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Aug. 26

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Aug. 19

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Aug. 17